Entries can be made in the Online Store at BConventions.com beginning January 5, 2025. The deadline for entries is May 25, 2025. Entries are $10 and available in the Online Store. No last minute or day of Competition entries will be accepted.
Conventioneers may enter as many categories as they wish with a limit of one entry per category.
Individuals, groups, or clubs may enter diorama categories. Please note only one ribbon/prize will be awarded to the winning entry in each category, not one for each member of the group.
Single dolls (creative) will not include a backdrop unless noted. The doll and the accessories/props he/she is holding are the only exceptions.
Backdrops (duos/creative) should not exceed 16” tall x 10” wide x 10” deep. Backdrop entries include no other accessories and props with the exception of what the doll is holding/wearing.
Dioramas should not exceed 24” wide x 24” deep, with no height restriction.
Supporting frames may include Plexiglas or safety glass, but no plate glass is permitted.
Creative entries must be entirely the work of the Conventioneer who enters them with the exception of props used in dioramas and displays. Dolls used in the creative categories must be originally manufactured by Mattel.
Vintage categories will be judged on authenticity, rarity, condition, and completeness.
Creative entries will be judged on originality, creativity, and expression of the theme.
All Vintage individual dolls must have sturdy stands and may not have extraneous accessories, unless the doll/outfit was accompanied by said
To ensure security, all dolls, accessories, and props must be entered and removed by the pre-registered entrants only. Signatures will be required for drop-offs and pickups.
Placement of entries is solely at the discretion of the Competition Room Chair. We request that entrants ensure their dolls/accessories are appropriately secured and positioned. Entries will not be handled once the entrant places them, but the Competition Chair may reposition entries if necessary. Please ensure that your entry is stable and secure.
The Convention Committee reserves the right to photograph and publish photographs of Competition area and entries. All Competition entries will be photographed by our Official Convention Photographer and will subsequently be presented at one of the meal functions where the winners will be announced.
The Competition Chair reserves the right to cancel any category not receiving at least two entries. In case of cancellation, the fee will be refunded. If entrant cancels or withdraws an entry, there will be no refund.
Awarding of ribbons and prizes is at the discretion of the Judges. The Convention Committee reserves the right to refuse entries that are distasteful and not in the spirit of creative competition.
Please submit your entry form early and prior to the due date. We want to ensure a smooth event for all participants and Volunteers.
Questions? Please contact our Competition Chair Jewel Tieben at jatieben@aol.com.