In addition to all the special themed events, there will be special programs to enhance your knowledge of collecting.
Doll Strong
Wednesday 3:30pm—4:30pm
Join Michelle Parnett as she presents on the Barbie® collection of the Strong National Museum of Play, sponsors of our Special exhibit. She will share rare Barbie® dolls in their collection and some of the stories behind them.
Japanese Exclusives NRFB
Thursday 6:00pm—7:00pm
Join Igeana Gober as she shares her vast collection and wealth of knowledge of Never Removed from Box Japanese Exclusive Fashions from the 1960’s. She’ll share how they were originally presented and show some never-before-seen items.
Behind the Seams
Friday 5:00pm—6:00pm
Historian Bradley Justice Yarbrough will share a historical look at designers and creators for the Barbie® doll. He’ll be sharing many unseen images and stories of the creators.
European Barbie® Doll a Fashion Icon
Saturday 10:00am—11:00am
Eric Chatillon will lead you on the journey of the Barbie® doll through her arrival in France, including manufacturing and advertising.