The 2025 National Barbie® Doll Collectors Convention will set the stage for a showcase of phenomenal treasures and creative talents in a Competition represented by Conventioneers from every corner of the globe. Thrill the audience with rarities from your Vintage and Mod doll collections. Showcase your creative talents in doll artistry and dioramas. The Ruth Cronk Memorial Cool Collecting Competition Room will showcase and display the largest collection of Conventioneer treasures! We look forward to seeing the 2025 collection of Competition entries and encourage you to participate!
Enter early! We have made accommodations specifically for Competition entrants to sign-up early on January 5, 2025. Then bring your entries to Convention and check the Schedule again to determine where and when Competition setup will be. Once entries are placed and judged, Convention attendees will be admitted to the Competition Room to view the entries and take pictures. At the end of Competition, you will return to the Competition Room to collect your entries.
There will be security guards on duty from the time your entries are placed in the Competition Room and throughout the duration of the Competition, so you need not worry about their safety.
During Competition viewing, no purses or tote bags are permitted inside the Competition Room. If you bring these items with you, please note that you will be asked to leave these items with a friend outside or return them to your Hotel room before being allowed to enter the Competition Room.
Judges will review each entry in the Categories and you will compete for individual category ribbons. In addition, we will award both Vintage and Creative entries with People’s, Chairman’s and our new Sponsor’s Choice awards.
Winning Competition entries will be photographed by our Official Convention Photographer. Subsequently, these photos will be presented at one of the meal functions where the winners will be announced.
Whether you enter the Competition or not, we welcome your assistance. If you would like to volunteer as a Runner, Judge, or Apprentice Judge in The Ruth Cronk Memorial Cool Collecting Competition Room, please sign up in the Online Store at BConventions.com.
If you wish to participate, please review the following rules and requirements, determine the categories you wish to enter, and complete the Competition Entry Form in the Online Store at BConventions.com.
Questions? Please contact our Competition Chair Jewel Tieben at jatieben@aol.com.